alternative therapies

Achieving an Enhanced Physique with EMSCULPT NEO work: The Non-Invasive HIFEM® technology Alternative to Brazilian Butt Lift for Men

Technological advancements in men's health and beauty bring new emsculpt neo possibilities for a better physique without invasive procedures.

Alternative therapies for mens longevity

Developments in alternative therapies offer natural and effective solutions for men who want to maintain their health and vitality as they age.

DIETARY BILE ACID SUPPLEMENTATION for improved mens intestinal integrity

Bile salts are crucial to burning fat & help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamins A, D, E, and K help regulate pH of intestines.

Ceremonial grade kava beverage benefits on Men

Sensual South Pacific Islands mystique associated with ceremonial grade Kava treatment has used for centuries by men to relax their minds & heal

Red light therapy

Red light therapy go-to choice for men looking to reduce fine lines, stimulate collagen production, improve skin, & maintain healthy appearance.

Mens natural deodorant options

Natural deodorant effective bacteria killers specifically formulated with multiple natural elements like tea tree oil protect your body system.

Quantum medical devices

Bioresonance is a type of frequency medicine therapy that is used in holistic or complementary medicine. It measure the frequency of energy.

Essential oil of Oregano

Essential oils of oregano are becoming increasingly recognized for their remarkable men's health and longevity benefits.

About us

Claude Edwin Theriault is a new generation of men’s health and beauty therapists that have come onto the scene in the last few years. He has been active in the industry since 1990.

Men`s Health and Beauty anti-aging life enhancement therapy.

Men`s Health and Beauty anti-aging life enhancement therapy the mainstream Spa industry will not tell you about since they simply do not know.